Saturday, November 30, 2019

Our House free essay sample

Every day, when I clamber off the school bus and walk the five minutes to my newly painted yellow house, I have approximately one hour of quiet to begin my homework. An hour later, while I am wrestling with a math equation, I hear the familiar sound of voices and country music rising from downstairs. Each song plays for just a few seconds before it is skipped. As I enter our kitchen I hear Ben attempting to open the front door, pushing extra hard due to a stray shoe wedged in the gap between door and floor. â€Å"Ezra, come put your shoe away,† I call in the direction of the room where fiddle music is blaring unashamedly. Once the shoe has been taken care of, Ben proudly tells me how much milk each cow produced today: â€Å"Stella 15 pounds, Talia 10, and Artemis just five.† He milks them himself by hand on our small farm. We will write a custom essay sample on Our House or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He runs off, remembering something. I start setting the table when, in a flash, Ben returns, clutching a letter addressed to me. â€Å"Alya, you have mail. Who’s it from? Do you think they will send me a postcard too?† My four siblings, my parents, and I share our home with seven others. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between them and my family. I was born in Germany. When I was two my parents moved to England to join a community of people who live and work with young adults with disabilities. Three years ago we moved to a similar place called Triform Camphill Community near Hudson, New York. Ben and Ezra are in their early twenties and have learning disabilities. Slowly, the house begins to fill. Alex, Peter, and Laurie join us, and when our two volunteers from Chile and Germany come, it gets quite rowdy. I grew up alongside people perceived as different, but to me they are totally normal. No one can make me laugh as hard as Ezra, no one can describe as eloquently and precisely what is bothering him as Alex, no one gives me comforting advice like Laurie, and no one can rock a costume at Halloween like Peter. On average I am asked more than a hundred questions every day by my extended family, many of which I do not know the answers to. I am peppered from morning to night, but mostly I enjoy the time with my extended siblings. Before every college visit Ezra asks me, â€Å"Alya, do you think I should come along college visiting with you? I know the dean, and I swear he’ll accept you!† The questions can get repetitive, the constant noise and activity exhausting, but there is no place I’d rather be. Every year Triform’s bell choir drives down to New York City to perform at a fundraising event. This past year I went to help. The ride was just like driving in my school bus, with the same arguments and occasional yelps. We arrived and set up, nervous but patiently waiting in concert dress, the bell ringers wearing white gloves. Soon it was our turn and all became quiet in the hall. The curtain rose. Bells ringing and singing voices filled the room. I looked at the faces in the audience and almost everyone was dabbing at their eyes or smiling from ear to ear. We were all overcoming our limitations, creating something beautiful together in that moment. I felt so lucky. The feeling that I saw on the audience’s faces – I get to experience that feeling in our house every day.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Plains Indians Essays - Plains Tribes, Great Sioux War, Free Essays

Plains Indians Essays - Plains Tribes, Great Sioux War, Free Essays Plains Indians For many tribes of Plains Indians whose bison-hunting culture flourished during the 18th and 19th centuries, the sun dance was the major communal religious ceremony . . . the rite celebrates renewal - the spiritual rebirth of participants and their relatives as well as the regeneration of the living earth with all its components . . . The ritual, involving sacrifice and supplication to insure harmony between all living beings, continues to be practiced by many contemporary native Americans. -Elizabeth Atwood Lawrence As the most important ritual of the nomadic Plains Indians, the Sun Dance in itself presents many ideas, beliefs, and values of these cultures. Through its rich symbolism and complicated rituals we are able to catch a glimpse into these peoples' view of the world. A Sun Dance is held when a man feels the need to be a dancer to fulfill certain wishes, primarily "for his deliverance from his troubles, for supernatural aid, and for beneficent blessings upon all of his people." (Welker) It is this dancer who usually bears the expenses of the Sun Dance (Atwood), including a feast for all that comes to the celebration. (Welker) Motivations behind the Sun Dance varies slightly between tribes. The Crow held the ceremony to seek aid for revenge for family members killed in warfare. The entire event surrounding the Sun Dance generally lasts from four to seven days, though longer events exist. On the first day a tree is selected to serve as the sun-pole, the center pole for the Sun Dance Lodge, or New-Life-Lodge, as called by the Cheyenne. (Atwood) The selection of the tree is usually done by the eldest woman of the camp, who leads a group of elaborately dressed maidens to the tree to strip off its branches. On the next morning, right as the sun is seen over the eastern horizon, armed warriors charge the sun-pole. They attack the tree in effort to symbolically kill it with gunshots and arrows. Once it is dead it is cut down and taken to where the Sun Dance Lodge will be erected. (Schwatka) "Before raising the sun-pole, a fresh buffalo head with a broad centre strip of the back of the hide and tail (is) fastened with strong throngs to the top crotch of the sun-pole. Then the pole (is) raised and set firmly in the ground, with the buffalo head facing ! toward the setting-sun." (Welker) The tree represents the center of the world, connecting the heavens to the earth. (Smart p. 527) The lodge is then built by the main dancer and his clansmen. The fork of the lodge represents the eagle's nest. The eagle plays a large part in the Sun Dance for it is one of the Plains Indians' most sacred animal. The eagle flies high, being the closest creature to the Sun. Therefore it is the link between man and spirit, being the messenger that delivers prayers to the Wakan-Tanka (god). (Atwood) In addition to being a messenger, the eagle also represents many human traits. We can see what values and traits these cultures saw as being important in a person by those traits imposed upon such a sacred animal. The eagle is seen as courageous, swift, and strong. He has great foresight and knows everything. "In an eagle there is all the wisdom of the world." (Atwood) During the Sun Dance the eagle is the facilitator of communication between man and spirit. The Crow may be accompanied by a dancing eagle in his visions, the eagle "instructing him about the medicine acquired through the vision." (Atwood) The eagle's feathers can cure illnesses. During the Sun Dance a medicine man may use his eagle feather for healing, first touching the feather to the sun-pole then to the patient, transferring the energy from the pole to the ill. It is the buffalo, however, that makes up the main theme of the Sun Dance. In various stories it was the buffalo that began the ritual. The Shoshone believe that the buffalo taught someone the proper way to carry out the dance and the benefits in doing it. Buffalo songs, dances, and feast commonly accompany the Sun Dance. You can see from the symbolic influences

Friday, November 22, 2019

Shakespeares Ultimate Valentines Day Poem

Shakespeares Ultimate Valentines Day Poem Are you looking for the most romantic Valentine’s Day poem ever? Then look no further than Shakespeare’s greatest, most heart-tingling sonnet. It’s perfect for a Valentine’s Day poem! We are of course talking about Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? ... considered by many to be the greatest love poem ever written. Sonnet 18: The Ultimate Valentines Day Poem The sonnet’s reputation is well deserved because of Shakespeare’s ability to capture the essence of love so cleanly and succinctly in only 14 lines. He compares his lover to a beautiful summer’s day and realizes that while summer days may fade and fall into Autumn, his love is eternal. It will last all year round – year in, year out – hence the famous opening lines of the poem: Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date: (...) But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Why not copy out the full text from the link below and leave it under a loved one’s pillow this Valentine’s Day? Here are the only two links you need this Valentine’s Day: Sonnet 18 - Read the full textSonnet 18 – A study guide to help you better understand the poem If you are looking for something shorter, then our list of the top 10 Shakespeare love quotes will surely set your heart aflutter.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Religious Life of Scientology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Religious Life of Scientology - Essay Example Most societies in Earth have religion as a very important aspect of their life. Religion always figures in culture, as it is part of the culture as well. But religion always figures in literature, art, music, dance, etc. Because of this â€Å"specialty†, most religions choose a special person that serves as a link to the believers and the deities. This person is usually called the priest, and the priest acts a mediator between the people and the deities by performing sacrifices and other rituals that are deemed to be communication tools to the deities. In this paper, we should note that sects and cults are different than religion. Sects are small, less organized religious groups formed by members that are usually in protest with a larger denomination. They are convinced that they have the real meaning of religion or cosmos (they have â€Å"the truth†) and they actively protest the dominant religion. Typically, these sects grow and become a dominant religion as well, through the years. Unlike dominations, sects are not seen as a legitimate religious group. Cults, on the other hand, are different although they may resemble cults. Cults are transient and informal and they usually provide a haven for those who are rejected by society. Cults usually center on a leader who focuses on bringing the people (the believers) with the same frame of mind, and these are not necessarily deemed as something that invokes sanctity. Scientology is special because it’s considered as a religion for some places, and otherwise in some places.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Rachel Carson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rachel Carson - Essay Example During the earth’s day, the book "On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson," is the most appropriate book for discussion. Seemingly, Souder has taken a very important role of re-energizing the campaign established by Rachel Carson. If vibrant people such as Souder do not renew such heightened campaigns for a better world, then people will soon forget and result to environmental pollution. It is also interesting to note that Souder has also authored â€Å"A Plague of Frogs,† an environmental book talking about frogs that have been mutated by environmental degradation through indiscriminate use of pesticides. Considering Carson was specifically notable for advocating against indiscriminate use of pesticides, then Souder can be said to be the best speaker on this day. The most striking thing about Sounder is the way he champions for environmental conservation through other people stories and biographies. For instance, he also wrote â€Å"Under a Wild Sky,à ¢â‚¬  a story of a bird scientist John Audubon. Therefore, Souder is remarkably an environment ambassador and therefore the best speaker on issues of environmental

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Government Security Classifications Essay Example for Free

Government Security Classifications Essay In light of the growing controversy surrounding the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the Republican Party is claiming that she used her personal email account to send classified information. The United States classification system is currently established by Executive Order 13526 and has three levels of classification – Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. The lowest level of classification is Confidential. Confidential material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause damage or be prejudicial to national security if it were made available. † A variety of markings are used for material that is not classified, but whose distribution is limited administratively such as, For Official Use Only (FOUO), or Sensitive but unclassified (SBU). Although these items are marked unclassified, they are not to be sent via personal email. No special investigation is needed at this level for the individual other than â€Å"a need to know basis.† The second highest classification is Secret. Secret material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause ‘serious damage’ to national security if it were made public.† Most information that is classified is held at this level. In order to have a secret clearance, you must have an investigation into your background to ensure trustworthiness. This is usually conducted by a government agency. The highest level of classification is Top Secret. Top secret as defined in Executive Order 13526, â€Å"Shall be applied to information, unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause ‘exceptionally grave damage’ to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe.† It is believed that 1.4 million Americans have top secret clearances. Top secret clearances are usually given to specific individuals who pass a very stringent security background investigation. Individuals with this level of classification work at the top levels of our government. As you can see we have a government system in place to ensure that classified information is distributed accordingly throughout the government  to protect national security. In regards to Mrs. Clinton, do you think that she broke the rules by using her personal email account? The jury is still out on that investigation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Dream with Deceit Essay -- American Argumentative Persuasive Essays

A Dream with Deceit In a world of uncertainty and disappointment, many people welcome the promise of happiness by any definition. In response to this, society offers the "American Dream," a guarantee of success through hard work and perseverance, as a path to contentment. Corporate America cunningly markets the "American Dream" to the public, and as a result the allure of wealth and status dictates the lives of many Americans. The elite and large corporations intentionally feed the idea of an "American Dream" to the general public because they depend on its widespread acceptance to maintain their undisputed power. The media has become a powerful tool for corporations to spread the ideals of the "American Dream" throughout the population. Television and newspapers, two specific channels of the media, have a vast influence over the people that the "American Dream" targets. The power that the media has over the general population is strong, influencing society's ideals and view of the "American Dream" through methods equivalent to brainwashing. Society continues to uphold a destructive "American Dream," giving people a false perception of success and ignoring the reality of limited opportunity that exists today. Society has imposed the "American Dream" on individuals for as long as the United States has been in existence. People are manipulated into believing that hard work and perseverance will lead to their ultimate success in life. The government, the media, and corporations alike create and exploit the "American Dream" as a system of mass control. Greed propels the dream by adding to the power it hold over individuals. Society is told that everyone should be striving for success, which is defined a... ...bert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, Boston: Bedford / St. Martins, 2001. 305-310. Dalton, Harlon L. "Horatio Alger." Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, Boston: Bedford / St. Martins, 2001. 311-317. Fallows, James. "The Invisible Poor." Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, Boston: Bedford / St. Martins, 2001. 356-369. "Money and Success: The Myth of Individual Opportunity." Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, Boston: Bedford / St. Martins, 2001.295-297. Mantsios, Gregory. "Myths and Realities." Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, Boston: Bedford / St. Martins, 2001. 318-333. Terkel, Studs. "Stephen Cruz." Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, Boston: Bedford / St. Martins, 2001. 335-339.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Neutrality of money

The â€Å"neutrality of money† refers to the notion that the effect of changes in an economy’s nominal supply of money will have no effects on the real variables like the real GDP, employment and consumption and only the nominal variables such as the prices, wages and the exchange rate are affected. It was the standard feature of the classical[1] macroeconomic model of unemployment and inflation that was based upon the assumption of quickly clearing perfectly competitive markets and the money market was governed by the quantity theory (Ackley, 1978). This resulted in what was known as the â€Å"classical dichotomy† – the real and monetary sectors of the economy could be analysed separately as real variables like output, employment and real interest rates would not be affected by whatever was going on in the nominal segment of the economy and vice-versa. The objective of the present endeavour is to explore this concept of neutrality by delving into its theoretical motivations and basis and thereby introspecting upon the extent to which distinguishing between short run and long run neutrality are important before briefly exploring the possible methods of empirically investigating the notion and concluding. In the standard classical macroeconomic model, which was the basis of answering all macroeconomic questions before Keynes’s General theory brought forth its capturing   assault onto it, the connection between the money supply and the price level was made through the quantity theory thus implying that the price level would vary to ensure the real aggregate demand, which was assumed to be a function of the real money supply, was in alignment with the available supply of output determined in the market for labour. The quantity theory simply posits that real money balances are demanded in proportion to real income. This can be expressed as MD/ P = (1/v).Y; where MD represents the nominal demand for money balances, P the price level, v the velocity of circulation of money and finally Y the real GDP.   Now by assumption, v is constant; MD equals the supply of money which is exogenous (MD, = MS = M) in equilibrium and Y is fixed at its equilibrium value (Y= Y*) determined in the labour market. As a result the quantity theory equation essentially becomes an equation that determines the price level for different levels of money. We have,  Ã‚  Ã‚   P = v.(M/Y*) . Evidently, changes in the money supply now shall only influence the prices. This is the basis of the notion of neutrality of money which therefore is a direct derivative of the assumption of the quantity theory itself (Carlin and Soskice, 1990). An increase in the supply of money initially leads to a rise in the aggregate demand above the real output (Y*, which is exogenous to the money market) due to increased availability of cash balances. Due to the excess demand situation the prices are pushed up until the demand for real output reduces to equal the supply of it. Note that in the classical system, the rate of interest plays the role of equating savings and investment at full employment and does not enter the money market. However, in the 1930s the great depression which was essentially a situation of cascading mass unemployment had no convincing explanation in terms of the classical framework which proposed that an economy would always operate at full employment. This situation of mass unemployment and the lack of forthcoming explanations of the phenomenon in terms of the classical full-employment framework provided the context for the introduction of the Keynesian model of unemployment. Although he upheld the assumption of perfectly competitive markets, he assumed prices to be fixed and money wages to be rigid and inflexible especially in the downward direction in the short run thereby implying the inability of the prices and wages to adjust to excess supply situations in the labour market; employment and output were determined by the effective aggregate demand in the product market. Consumption was assumed to be a function of real income implying savings, essentially the remainder of real income after consumption to be a function of real income as well rather than a function of real rate of interest as in the classical framework, and aggregate demand was made up of the planned expenses for consumption, investment and government expenses (for a closed economy). Contrary to the classical model, in the Keynesian framework the rate of interest serves in equating real demand and supply of money rather than equating investment and full employment savings. This set up not only brings forth the possibility of equilibrium with unemployment prevalent in the labour market, it also dispels the concept of neutrality of money. An exogenous increase in the money supply through its effect on the real rate of interest affects the amount of investment and through that causes a change in the aggregate demand and thus in the real output and employment. So, this framework proves the non-neutrality of money the short run (Mankiw, 2000). But in the long run, money can be deemed to have neutral effects through the following reasoning. An increase in the money supply will reduce the interest rates and increase investment. However, as the money supply rises, the real stock of money balances exceeds the desired level thus necessitating the expenditure on goods to be raised in order to re-establish the optimum and in that creating an excess demand in the goods market. In the long run prices and wages are perfectly flexible and in the presence of excess demand, there is a rise in the price level until the excess demand is satisfied, at the new equilibrium. Again this rise in prices leads to an increase in the demand for money and thus leads to a restoration of the real interest rates and investments to their initial levels (Patinkin, 1987). Therefore, in the long run money supply increases have no effects on real interest rates, investment, or output in the long run. So, we find that although money is actually non-neutral in the long run due to the wage-price inflexibility in the short run, in the long run money has neutral effects. Infact, Patinkin (1956) notes that not only is money neutral in the short run but this short run neutrality is absolutely necessary for the quantity theory to hold. If this non-neutrality is denied and the classical dichotomy is accepted, then there is no theory of money, quantity theory or otherwise. Testing the neutrality of money would require one to measure the effects of altered money supply has on real variables like the real GDP, employment and real interest rate. One approach possible would be to use a time series data set with values for these variables. A regression would be run to ascertain the extent of effects if any, the changes in money supply over time has had on the real variables. In fact, Fisher and Seater (1993) have used time series data in this manner to test the neutrality of money. Their methodology however requires the usage of advanced econometric tools. Many consequent studies[2] have adopted this methodology to test time series data for different regions and check for neutrality of money. Another option would be to use cross section data with different regions specified by different money supply values. By gauging the differences in the values of the real variables of these regions and relating these with the differences in the money supply values through regression analysis can be another way of testing for neutrality of money. So, to sum up, we have seen that although short run neutrality of money is not a valid proposition, money does not have real effects in the long run. In the final section we have suggested two possible approaches to testing the neutrality of money. References: Ackley, G., (1978). Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, New York: Macmillan Boschen, J.F. & Otrok, C.M., (1994) Long run neutrality and superneutrality in an ARIMA framework: comment, American Economic Review 84, 1470-1473. Carlin, W., & Soskice, D., (1990) Macroeconomics and the Wage Bargain: A Modern Approach to Employment, Inflation, and the Exchange Rate, U.K.: Oxford University Press Fisher, M.E. & Seater, J.J., (1993) Long run neutrality and superneutrality in an ARIMA framework, American Economic Review 83, 402-415. Mankiw,   N.G., (2000) â€Å"macroeconomics† 4th ed, Worth publishers, New York Patinkin., D. (1987) â€Å"Neutrality of money,† The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 3, pp. 639-4 Patinkin, D., (1956) Money, interest and prices: An integration of monetary and value theory, New York: Row Peterson [1] One should be beware of the misleading potential of the term classical and note its distinct presence in macroeconomics and its modern adoptions in the forms of new classical economics and thereby avoid confusing it with the school of economic thought associated with Marx, Smith and Ricardo. [2]   e.g., Boschen and Otrok (1994) for the US

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Chinese Wedding Tradition Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A wedding day is considered as the most important and memorable event in one’s life because it is their way of affirming their love and intimacy in public. At that very moment, the couple makes sure that everything is perfectly planned, from proposal to reception. This is because the groom usually wants to offer the best to his bride. A wedding is also considered among many nations as a very sensitive event because all aspects of the wedding shall conform to their beliefs and traditions. The date and place of the wedding are also given considerable significance. Moreover, the wedding rites are meticulously carried out because everything used symbolizes something especially among Chinese.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Chinese tradition, the wedding is purposely to continue their clan and to strengthen the relationship of the two families. It is in the best interest of the parents and so they exert a great deal effort of finding good match for their son. The matching is made very carefully through rituals to ensure the absence of bad omens. Furthermore, a traditional Chinese wedding is interestingly coupled with complicated beliefs to ensure luck, joy, and happiness for the couple. Before the Wedding   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The proposal in Chinese wedding is not made by the boy, instead, his parents find a girl that matches him. When the match has been found, the proposal and expression of the match is done through a â€Å"go- between† who would present a gift to the girl’s parents. If the proposal is received, the go- between will get the girl’s birth date and birth hour to be recorded in a formal document which will be placed in the altar of the boy’s family for three days (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). If within three days, no inauspicious omen occurred like trouble between the two families, the information is given to an astrological expert for confirmation of the match (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). When a favorable horoscope is found, the girl’s family will also do the same ritual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The next process is the bethrodal where both parents exchange presents as a form of their intentions. During the bethodal, the parents would extensively bargain for the amount of money and goods as a gift to the girl’s family. Usually, the bethodal gifts includes, tea, dragon and phoenix bridal cakes, pairs of male and female poultry, wine, tobacco, and others (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The cake received by the bride is shared to family friends and relatives as a sign of the wedding announcement and invitation. In exchange, the girl’s family would offer foods and clothing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the same day, the wedding date is set. It is important among Chinese that the wedding date is a lucky day. The date is chosen according to the lunar calendar when the moon and the stars are properly aligned with the guidance of an astrologist ( Moreover, it has been a practice that the couple marry when the hands of the clocks are moving up instead of down because it is their belief that their married life would begin in an upswing manner (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before the wedding day, the bride is required to stay in seclusion together with her closest friends where she would be rendered a lamentation for her separation from her parents (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). Another preparation made is the installation of the new bridal bed by married men or women having many children. The night before the wedding day, the groom is required to sleep on the bed with an innocent young child to invite fertility. Wedding Day   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the very day of wedding, the bride takes a bath in water filled with pomelo and other varieties of grape fruit to cleanse her of evil influences (Chinese Weddings by the Knot). Her hair is combed by a married woman four times and each stroke symbolizes good luck, fertility, longevity, and happiness, respectively (Helium). Her hair is styled in a bun at the top of her head like that of a married woman. Moreover, her hair dress, made of either red silk veil or curtain of tassle or beads, is hanged from her Phoenix crown so that her face will be covered (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The brides wear a simple yet elegant red wedding dress and red shoes (Helium). The presence of a â€Å"good- luck woman† is also required during the bride’s preparation (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). After all the preparations, the bride bows to her parents and to the ancestral table then waits for the bridal procession (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, the groom wears a long gown, a red silk sash with a silk ball on his shoulder together with red shoes, (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). As he kneels before the altar, his father places the cap, which is garnished with cypress leaves, on his head (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). Before the groom goes on a bridal procession, he is required to kneel before the tablets of Heaven and Earth and his ancestors then to his parents and relatives (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Noticeably, the color used for wedding dress, invitations, and envelopes is red. For the Chinese, red stands for luck, joy, happiness, and courage. On the red wedding invitations and decorations, the symbol of double happiness is placed on them to represent a wish of happiness to the newly wed (Fong & Chuang, 2003, p.138).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the preparation, the groom leads the bridal procession to pick up his bride. The procession is accompanied by the noise of firecrackers, loud gongs and drums (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The groom is also accompanied by a child to symbolize his future sons (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The wedding ceremony itself is simpler than the preparation. The couple is led to the altar to pray to the Heaven and Earth, to family ancestors, and to the Kitchen god, Tsao- Chun (Hudson Valley Weddings). Afterwards, a tea with lotus seeds is offered by the couple to the grooms parents (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The marriage ceremony is completed when the couple bows at each other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The wedding feast is prepared by the bride’s family separate from that of the groom’s family. On each feasts, the men sits separately from women. Then bride and the groom are presented with the two goblets of honey and wine tied together with red ribbon (Kingma, 2003, p. 166). They partake in these two drinks to represent that they have come together in marriage in love and in courage. After the Wedding   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the day after the wedding, the bride is required to wake up at dawn to honor their ancestors and bow before the groom’s relatives as she receives gifts from them. That is the only day when the bride is formally introduced to the grooms family and relatives. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It can be considered that the trditional Chinese wedding is the most complicated and meticulous yet most elegant wedding there is. It can also be said that since the wedding has the longest preparation, the parents of both partners may plan for it while the future couple are still young. Moreover, the wedding ceremony itself is given utmost importance as it is enriched by beliefs to ensure good things for the couple and for their family. Works Cited â€Å"Chinese Wedding Traditions.† 2008. Chinese Historical and Cultural Project. 4 June 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . â€Å"A Guide to Chinese Wedding Customs.† 2008. Helium. 4 June 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . â€Å"Chinese Wedding Traditions.† 2008. Hudson Valley Weddings. 4 June 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . â€Å"Chinese Wedding Traditions- Marriage Customs.† 983 4 June 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . Fong, Mary & Chuang, Rueyling. Communicating Ethnic and Cultural Identity. Rowman &   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Littlefield, 2003. Kingma, Daphne R. Weddings from the Heart: Contemporary & Traditional Ceremonies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   for an Unforgettable Wedding. Red Wheel, 2003. â€Å"Wedding Style: How to Make Your Wedding Unique.† 2008. Chinese Weddings by the Knot. 4 June 2008 .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Communicable Diseases H. I. V. and A.I.D.s

Communicable Diseases H. I. V. and A.I.D.s Introduction A communicable disease is a disease transmitted through people, animals, and surfaces and is carried by micro organisms. They are transmitted through blood contact, close contact with an infected person or through body fluid contact of an infected to a healthy person. These diseases include Malaria, HIV-AIDS helps, whooping cough, and Mumps among others (Lengauer, Altmann, Thielen Kaiser, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Communicable Diseases: H. I. V. and A.I.D.s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper concentrates on HIV-AIDS; it will evaluate what measures are in place as well as the effects that the disease has on human life. H. I. V. and A.I.D.s H. I. V. is the virus that is responsible for causing A.I.D.S, a person who has the virus is at the risk of developing A.I.D.S. The virus is transmitted when body fluids of an invested person come into contact with those of an uninfected person. Once the virus gets into the body, it manifests and multiplies itself when hiding in the blood cells. The cell in the body that it attach itself to is the white blood cell. Before the virus can be detected in the body system, it stays for at least three months. A.I.D.S on the hand is the final stages of H.I.V. When the virus has â€Å"blown out† and having affected the white blood cells to a point that they can’t protect the body any more, optimistic diseases take advantage and affect the person; these optimistic diseases may be tuberculosis or pneumonia, they infect the body and since the body immune system is weak, it cannot fight the infections and the most probable resultant is death (Bebea, 2006). Data Findings, Evidence-Based Intervention, and a Plan to Ensure Quality Health According to 2008 UNAIDS statistics, there were 33.4 million infected people in the world with Africa having the majority. It goes further to say that since 1981; the disease has kill ed over 25 million people and created over 14 million orphans (See appendix for the statistic). Treatment and Care Currently there are no drugs that cure HIV. However, there have been drugs that have been developed to boost the immune system of the body and thus assist the body in fighting the disease. They are called ARVs, antiviral drugs. Their aim is to help the body fight the diseases that come as optimistic to the body weak system. Other than those drugs, the diseases that attack the body are cured in the normal way like in the case of a healthy person. Physicians are developing immunization medicines but not much success has been achieved. The second approach to take care of the disease is by creating a massive public awareness. This will assist the public to take preventive measure which include, abstaining from having sex, being faithful to one spouse, and finally use of condoms when having sex as a preventive measure (Brown Qaqish, 2006).Advertising Looking for res earch paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Environmental Factors Related to the Disease Sexual intercourse; there are different modes of sexual intercourse that human beings interact in; they are heterosexual, homosexual, and lesbianism. In all the above sexual intercourse, there involves the mixing of body fluids of the concerned parties. If one of them is having the virus it is transmitted to the other one during this process. Blood transmission in case of blood transmission, the blood of one person is given to another, this is in medical situations, and there have been circumstances where blood that is already invested with the disease is given to a patient, though this is a rare case, it spreads the virus. Parental transmission this is when the child gets the virus from the parent when breast feeding. Usage of contaminated instruments or syringes- this happens when one uses instruments that ha ve already been used by a person who has the virus, this is common in drug users when they inject themselves the drugs that they are using; if one of them is contaminated he/she can transmit the virus to the others during this period (Turner, D. et al, 2005). The Influence of Lifestyles, Socioeconomic Status, and Disease Management The disease makes an individual weak to a point that he cannot be productive person in his country. It is a disease that requires management in terms of medicine and a special diet. When a person is infected most are the times that he faces negative discrimination and thus he is not able to fully participate in nation development. His social economic status depletes. When managing the disease it takes the efforts of the government and peoples concerned to manage the disease. This calls for government resources being directed to such programs like awareness campaigns and drug development/purchasing (Basavapathruni Anderson). Gaps and Methods for Linking T o Other Resources to Meet Needs That Are Not Locally Available For the Population People have not fully understood the fact that the disease can be managed and the person suffering from it need not be discriminated. In places like jobs and public offices there should be no discrimination since when one manages his condition well, he can stay a healthy life like any other person (Turner, 2005). Recommendations to Expand Communities’ Programs When HIV-AIDS was first recorded in the world, the campaigners portrayed it as a killer disease. This shaped the minds of the people to believe that when one is sick, the next step is death. This is not true as it can be managed. What can be done is to erode that belief through more campaigns to enlighten people (Bebea, 2006).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Communicable Diseases: H. I. V. and A.I.D.s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion HIV-AIDS is an ailm ent (communicable) that is spread through body fluids from infected individuals. The disease has no cure but can be managed using immune boosting medicines. The infected have a weak body and undergo stigmatization that hinders their productivity. As medicine and immunization are developed, more awareness need to be done to reduce its spread. Reference List Basavapathruni, A and Anderson, K. (December 2007). Reverse transcription of the HIV-1 pandemic.  The FASEB Journal  21  (14): 3795–3808 Bebea, I. (2006). Fighting H.I.V./AIDS; The Balm in Gilead challenges clerics. Network Journal, 13(4), 10. Retrieved from Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW). (Document ID: 1007376031) Brown, T. and Qaqish, R. (2006). Antiretroviral therapy and the prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis: a meta-analytic review.  AIDS (London, England)  20  (17): 2165–2174. Lengauer, T., Altmann, A., Thielen, A. and Kaiser, A. (2010). Chasing the AIDS virus.  Communications of the ACM  53  (3 ): 66.  doi:10.1145/1666420.1666440 Turner, D. et al. (2005). Substitutions in the Reverse Transcriptase and Protease Genes of HIV-1 Subtype B in Untreated Individuals and Patients Treated With Antiretroviral Drugs. Journal of the International AIDS Society 7 (2005): 69. Academic OneFile. Web. UNAIDS. (2008). Worldwide HIV AIDS Statistic, end of 2008. Retrieved from Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Appendix Global HIV/AIDS estimates, end of 2008 The latest statistics of the global  HIV and AIDS  were published by UNAIDS in November 2009, and refer to the end of 2008. Estimate Range People living with HIV/AIDS in 2008 33.4 million 31.1-35.8 million Adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2008 31.3 million 29.2-33.7 million Women living with HIV/AIDS in 2008 15.7 million 14.2-17.2 million Children living with HIV/AIDS in 2008 2.1 million 1.2-2.9 million People newly infected with HIV in 2008 2.7 million 2.4-3.0 million Children newly infected with HIV in 2008 0.43 million 0.24-0.61 million AIDS deaths in 2008 2.0 million 1.7-2.4 million Child AIDS deaths in 2008 0.28 million 0.15-0.41 million More than  25 million  people have died of AIDS since 1981. Africa has over  14 million  AIDS orphans. At the end of 2008, women accounted for  50%  of all adults living with HIV worldwide In developing and transitional countries,  9.5 million  people are i n immediate need of life-saving AIDS drugs; of these, only  4 million  (42%) are receiving the drugs. Source:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ch8 Test Bank

b. The probability for any individual value of a continuous random variable is zero, but for discrete random variables it is not. c. Probability for continuous random variables means finding the area under a curve, while for discrete random variables it means summing individual probabilities. d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 2. Which of the following is always true for all probability density functions of continuous random variables? a. The probability at any single point is zero. b. They contain an uncountable number of possible values. c. The total area under the density function f(x) equals 1. d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 3. Suppose f(x) = 0. 25. What range of possible values can X take on and still have the density function be legitimate? a. [0, 4] b. [4, 8] c. [? 2, +2] d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 4. The probability density function, f(x), for any continuous random variable X, represents: a. ll possible values that X will assume within some interval a ? x ? b. b. the probability that X takes on a specific value x. c. the height of the density function at x. d. None of these choices. ANS:CPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 5. Which of the following is true about f(x) when X has a uniform distribution over the interval [a, b]? a. The values of f(x) are different for various values of the random variable X. b. f(x) equals one for each possible value of X. c. f(x) equals one divided by the length of the interval from a to b. d. None of these choices. ANS:CPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 6. The probability density function f(x) for a uniform random variable X defined over the interval [2, 10] is a. 0. 125 b. 8 c. 6 d. None of these choices. ANS:APTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 7. If the random variable X has a uniform distribution between 40 and 50, then P(35 ? X ? 45) is: a. 1. 0 b. 0. 5 c. 0. 1 d. undefined. ANS:BPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 8. The probability density function f(x) of a random variable X that has a uniform distribution between a and b is a. (b + a)/2 b. 1/b ? 1/a c. (a ? b)/2 d. None of these choices. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 9. Which of the following does not represent a continuous uniform random variable? . f(x) = 1/2 for x between ? 1 and 1, inclusive. b. f(x) = 10 for x between 0 and 1/10, inclusive. c. f(x) = 1/3 for x = 4, 5, 6. d. None of these choices represents a continuous uniform random variable. ANS:CPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 10. Suppose f(x) = 1/4 over the range a ? x ? b, and suppose P(X 4) = 1/2. What are the values for a and b? a. 0 and 4 b. 2 and 6 c. Can be any range of x values whose length (b ? a) equals 4. d. Cannot answer with the information given. ANS:BPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 11. What is the shape of the probability density function for a uniform random variable on the interval [a, b]? a. A rectangle whose X values go from a to b. b. A straight line whose height is 1/(b ? a) over the range [a, b]. c. A continuous probability density function with the same value of f(x) from a to b. d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 TRUE/FALSE 12. A continuous probability distribution represents a random variable having an infinite number of outcomes which may assume any number of values within an interval. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 13. Continuous probability distributions describe probabilities associated with random variables that are able to assume any finite number of values along an interval. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 14. A continuous random variable is one that can assume an uncountable number of values. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 15. Since there is an infinite number of values a continuous random variable can assume, the probability of each individual value is virtually 0. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 16. A continuous random variable X has a uniform distribution between 10 and 20 (inclusive), then the probability that X falls between 12 and 15 is 0. 30. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 17. A continuous random variable X has a uniform distribution between 5 and 15 (inclusive), then the probability that X falls between 10 and 20 is 1. . ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 18. A continuous random variable X has a uniform distribution between 5 and 25 (inclusive), then P(X = 15) = 0. 05. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 19. We distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables by noting whether the number of possible values is countable or uncountable. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 20. In practice, we frequently use a continuous distribution to approximate a discrete one when the number of values the variable can assume is countable but very large. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 21. Let X represent weekly income expressed in dollars. Since there is no set upper limit, we cannot identify (and thus cannot count) all the possible values. Consequently, weekly income is regarded as a continuous random variable. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 22. To be a legitimate probability density function, all possible values of f(x) must be non-negative. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 23. To be a legitimate probability density function, all possible values of f(x) must lie between 0 and 1 (inclusive). ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 24. The sum of all values of f(x) over the range of [a, b] must equal one. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 25. A probability density function shows the probability for each value of X. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 26. If X is a continuous random variable on the interval [0, 10], then P(X 5) = P(X ? 5). ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 27. If X is a continuous random variable on the interval [0, 10], then P(X = 5) = f(5) = 1/10. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 28. If a point y lies outside the range of the possible values of a random variable X, then f(y) must equal zero. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 COMPLETION 29. A(n) ____________________ random variable is one that assumes an uncountable number of possible values. ANS:continuous PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 30. For a continuous random variable, the probability for each individual value of X is ____________________. ANS: zero 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 31. Probability for continuous random variables is found by finding the ____________________ under a curve. ANS:area PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 32. A(n) ____________________ random variable has a density function that looks like a rectangle and you can use areas of a rectangle to find probabilities for it. ANS:uniform PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 33. Suppose X is a continuous random variable for X between a and b. Then its probability ____________________ function must non-negative for all values of X between a and b. ANS:density PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 34. The total area under f(x) for a continuous random variable must equal ____________________. ANS: 1 one PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 35. The probability density function of a uniform random variable on the interval [0, 5] must be ____________________ for 0 ? x ? 5. ANS: 1/5 0. 20 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 36. To find the probability for a uniform random variable you take the ____________________ times the ____________________ of its corresponding rectangle. ANS: base; height height; base length; width width; length PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 37. You can use a continuous random variable to ____________________ a discrete random variable that takes on a countable, but very large, number of possible values. ANS:approximate PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 SHORT ANSWER 38. A continuous random variable X has the following probability density function: f(x) = 1/4, 0 ? x ? 4 Find the following probabilities: a. P(X ? 1) b. P(X ? 2) c. P(1 ? X ? 2) d. P(X = 3) ANS: a. 0. 25 b. 0. 50 c. 0. 25 d. 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 Waiting Time The length of time patients must wait to see a doctor at an emergency room in a large hospital has a uniform distribution between 40 minutes and 3 hours. 39. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? ANS: f(x) = 1/140, 40 ? x ? 180 (minutes) PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 40. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that a patient would have to wait between one and two hours? ANS: 0. 43 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 41. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that a patient would have to wait exactly one hour? ANS: 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 42. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that a patient would have to wait no more than one hour? ANS: 0. 143 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 43. The time required to complete a particular assembly operation has a uniform distribution between 25 and 50 minutes. a. What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? b. What is the probability that the assembly operation will require more than 40 minutes to complete? c. Suppose more time was allowed to complete the operation, and the values of X were extended to the range from 25 to 60 minutes. What would f(x) be in this case? ANS: a. f(x) = 1/25, 25 ? x ? 50 b. 0. 40 c. f(x) = 1/35, 25 ? x ? 60 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 44. Suppose f(x) equals 1/50 on the interval [0, 50]. a. What is the distribution of X? b. What does the graph of f(x) look like? c. Find P(X ? 25) d. Find P(X ? 25) e. Find P(X = 25) f. Find P(0 X 3) g. Find P(? 3 X 0) h. Find P(0 X 50) ANS: a. X has a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 50]. b. f(x) forms a rectangle of height 1/50 from x = 0 to x = 50. c. 0. 50 d. 0. 50 e. 0 f. 0. 06 g. 0. 06 h. 1. 00 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 Chemistry Test The time it takes a student to finish a chemistry test has a uniform distribution between 50 and 70 minutes. 45. {Chemistry Test Narrative} What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? ANS: f(x) = 1/20, 50 ? x ? 70 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 46. {Chemistry Test Narrative} Find the probability that a student will take more than 60 minutes to finish the test. ANS: 0. 50 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 47. {Chemistry Test Narrative} Find the probability that a student will take no less than 55 minutes to finish the test. ANS: 0. 75 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 48. {Chemistry Test Narrative} Find the probability that a student will take exactly one hour to finish the test. ANS: 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 49. {Chemistry Test Narrative} What is the median amount of time it takes a student to finish the test? ANS: 60 minutes PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 50. {Chemistry Test Narrative} What is the mean amount of time it takes a student to finish the test? ANS: 60 minutes PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 Elevator Waiting Time In a shopping mall the waiting time for an elevator is found to be uniformly distributed between 1 and 5 minutes. 1. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? ANS: f(x) = 1/4, 1 ? x ? 5 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 52. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability of waiting no more than 3 minutes? ANS: 0. 50 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 53. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that the elevator arrives in the first minute and a half? ANS: 0. 125 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 54. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the median waiting time for this elevator? ANS: 3 minutes PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 Ch8 Test Bank b. The probability for any individual value of a continuous random variable is zero, but for discrete random variables it is not. c. Probability for continuous random variables means finding the area under a curve, while for discrete random variables it means summing individual probabilities. d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 2. Which of the following is always true for all probability density functions of continuous random variables? a. The probability at any single point is zero. b. They contain an uncountable number of possible values. c. The total area under the density function f(x) equals 1. d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 3. Suppose f(x) = 0. 25. What range of possible values can X take on and still have the density function be legitimate? a. [0, 4] b. [4, 8] c. [? 2, +2] d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 4. The probability density function, f(x), for any continuous random variable X, represents: a. ll possible values that X will assume within some interval a ? x ? b. b. the probability that X takes on a specific value x. c. the height of the density function at x. d. None of these choices. ANS:CPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 5. Which of the following is true about f(x) when X has a uniform distribution over the interval [a, b]? a. The values of f(x) are different for various values of the random variable X. b. f(x) equals one for each possible value of X. c. f(x) equals one divided by the length of the interval from a to b. d. None of these choices. ANS:CPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 6. The probability density function f(x) for a uniform random variable X defined over the interval [2, 10] is a. 0. 125 b. 8 c. 6 d. None of these choices. ANS:APTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 7. If the random variable X has a uniform distribution between 40 and 50, then P(35 ? X ? 45) is: a. 1. 0 b. 0. 5 c. 0. 1 d. undefined. ANS:BPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 8. The probability density function f(x) of a random variable X that has a uniform distribution between a and b is a. (b + a)/2 b. 1/b ? 1/a c. (a ? b)/2 d. None of these choices. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 9. Which of the following does not represent a continuous uniform random variable? . f(x) = 1/2 for x between ? 1 and 1, inclusive. b. f(x) = 10 for x between 0 and 1/10, inclusive. c. f(x) = 1/3 for x = 4, 5, 6. d. None of these choices represents a continuous uniform random variable. ANS:CPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 10. Suppose f(x) = 1/4 over the range a ? x ? b, and suppose P(X 4) = 1/2. What are the values for a and b? a. 0 and 4 b. 2 and 6 c. Can be any range of x values whose length (b ? a) equals 4. d. Cannot answer with the information given. ANS:BPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 11. What is the shape of the probability density function for a uniform random variable on the interval [a, b]? a. A rectangle whose X values go from a to b. b. A straight line whose height is 1/(b ? a) over the range [a, b]. c. A continuous probability density function with the same value of f(x) from a to b. d. All of these choices are true. ANS:DPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 TRUE/FALSE 12. A continuous probability distribution represents a random variable having an infinite number of outcomes which may assume any number of values within an interval. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 13. Continuous probability distributions describe probabilities associated with random variables that are able to assume any finite number of values along an interval. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 14. A continuous random variable is one that can assume an uncountable number of values. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 15. Since there is an infinite number of values a continuous random variable can assume, the probability of each individual value is virtually 0. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 16. A continuous random variable X has a uniform distribution between 10 and 20 (inclusive), then the probability that X falls between 12 and 15 is 0. 30. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 17. A continuous random variable X has a uniform distribution between 5 and 15 (inclusive), then the probability that X falls between 10 and 20 is 1. . ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 18. A continuous random variable X has a uniform distribution between 5 and 25 (inclusive), then P(X = 15) = 0. 05. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 19. We distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables by noting whether the number of possible values is countable or uncountable. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 20. In practice, we frequently use a continuous distribution to approximate a discrete one when the number of values the variable can assume is countable but very large. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 21. Let X represent weekly income expressed in dollars. Since there is no set upper limit, we cannot identify (and thus cannot count) all the possible values. Consequently, weekly income is regarded as a continuous random variable. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 22. To be a legitimate probability density function, all possible values of f(x) must be non-negative. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 23. To be a legitimate probability density function, all possible values of f(x) must lie between 0 and 1 (inclusive). ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 24. The sum of all values of f(x) over the range of [a, b] must equal one. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 25. A probability density function shows the probability for each value of X. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 26. If X is a continuous random variable on the interval [0, 10], then P(X 5) = P(X ? 5). ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 27. If X is a continuous random variable on the interval [0, 10], then P(X = 5) = f(5) = 1/10. ANS:FPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 28. If a point y lies outside the range of the possible values of a random variable X, then f(y) must equal zero. ANS:TPTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 COMPLETION 29. A(n) ____________________ random variable is one that assumes an uncountable number of possible values. ANS:continuous PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 30. For a continuous random variable, the probability for each individual value of X is ____________________. ANS: zero 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 31. Probability for continuous random variables is found by finding the ____________________ under a curve. ANS:area PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 32. A(n) ____________________ random variable has a density function that looks like a rectangle and you can use areas of a rectangle to find probabilities for it. ANS:uniform PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 33. Suppose X is a continuous random variable for X between a and b. Then its probability ____________________ function must non-negative for all values of X between a and b. ANS:density PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 34. The total area under f(x) for a continuous random variable must equal ____________________. ANS: 1 one PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 35. The probability density function of a uniform random variable on the interval [0, 5] must be ____________________ for 0 ? x ? 5. ANS: 1/5 0. 20 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 36. To find the probability for a uniform random variable you take the ____________________ times the ____________________ of its corresponding rectangle. ANS: base; height height; base length; width width; length PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 37. You can use a continuous random variable to ____________________ a discrete random variable that takes on a countable, but very large, number of possible values. ANS:approximate PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 SHORT ANSWER 38. A continuous random variable X has the following probability density function: f(x) = 1/4, 0 ? x ? 4 Find the following probabilities: a. P(X ? 1) b. P(X ? 2) c. P(1 ? X ? 2) d. P(X = 3) ANS: a. 0. 25 b. 0. 50 c. 0. 25 d. 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 Waiting Time The length of time patients must wait to see a doctor at an emergency room in a large hospital has a uniform distribution between 40 minutes and 3 hours. 39. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? ANS: f(x) = 1/140, 40 ? x ? 180 (minutes) PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 40. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that a patient would have to wait between one and two hours? ANS: 0. 43 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 41. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that a patient would have to wait exactly one hour? ANS: 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 42. {Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that a patient would have to wait no more than one hour? ANS: 0. 143 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 43. The time required to complete a particular assembly operation has a uniform distribution between 25 and 50 minutes. a. What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? b. What is the probability that the assembly operation will require more than 40 minutes to complete? c. Suppose more time was allowed to complete the operation, and the values of X were extended to the range from 25 to 60 minutes. What would f(x) be in this case? ANS: a. f(x) = 1/25, 25 ? x ? 50 b. 0. 40 c. f(x) = 1/35, 25 ? x ? 60 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 44. Suppose f(x) equals 1/50 on the interval [0, 50]. a. What is the distribution of X? b. What does the graph of f(x) look like? c. Find P(X ? 25) d. Find P(X ? 25) e. Find P(X = 25) f. Find P(0 X 3) g. Find P(? 3 X 0) h. Find P(0 X 50) ANS: a. X has a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 50]. b. f(x) forms a rectangle of height 1/50 from x = 0 to x = 50. c. 0. 50 d. 0. 50 e. 0 f. 0. 06 g. 0. 06 h. 1. 00 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 Chemistry Test The time it takes a student to finish a chemistry test has a uniform distribution between 50 and 70 minutes. 45. {Chemistry Test Narrative} What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? ANS: f(x) = 1/20, 50 ? x ? 70 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 46. {Chemistry Test Narrative} Find the probability that a student will take more than 60 minutes to finish the test. ANS: 0. 50 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 47. {Chemistry Test Narrative} Find the probability that a student will take no less than 55 minutes to finish the test. ANS: 0. 75 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 48. {Chemistry Test Narrative} Find the probability that a student will take exactly one hour to finish the test. ANS: 0 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 49. {Chemistry Test Narrative} What is the median amount of time it takes a student to finish the test? ANS: 60 minutes PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 50. {Chemistry Test Narrative} What is the mean amount of time it takes a student to finish the test? ANS: 60 minutes PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 Elevator Waiting Time In a shopping mall the waiting time for an elevator is found to be uniformly distributed between 1 and 5 minutes. 1. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability density function for this uniform distribution? ANS: f(x) = 1/4, 1 ? x ? 5 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 52. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability of waiting no more than 3 minutes? ANS: 0. 50 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 53. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the probability that the elevator arrives in the first minute and a half? ANS: 0. 125 PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1 54. {Elevator Waiting Time Narrative} What is the median waiting time for this elevator? ANS: 3 minutes PTS:1REF:SECTION 8. 1

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Testing and evaluation techniques Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Testing and evaluation techniques - Assignment Example The advantages of oral examinations for the teachers include quick assessment of students’ learning, assessment of students’ confidence, and assessment of the verbal and nonverbal communication skills. On the other hand, some disadvantages of oral examinations include more time consumption as compared to written exams, inefficient for in-depth assessment of students’ learning, and labor-intensiveness. Another negative aspect of oral examinations is that the environment can influence the students, which may result in affecting their ability to communicate effectively with their teachers. Project assignments are also a good way to assess students’ learning. Teachers can give assignments to the students, which they need to solve without getting any sort of assistance from the teachers. The advantages of project assignments for the teachers include proper assessment of students’ ability to do work independently, assessment of individual learning, and assessment of students’ writing skills. On the other hand, some disadvantages of project assignments include increased chances of plagiarism and difficulty in standardizing. However, the disadvantages are not able to overshadow the advantages of project assignments because they make students do something independently, which is very good for the students. Practical examinations are another way to assess students’ learning. In practical examinations, teachers give practical assignments to the students, which they need to complete under observation of their teachers. Practical examinations help teachers evaluate the related behaviors of the students during examination. Moreover, they also help teachers evaluate students’ critical thinking skills, psychomotor skills, and evaluations skills. The disadvantages of practical examinations are somewhat similar to oral examinations. Practical examinations are time consuming, labor-intensive, and difficult to standardize. Teaches can